Assumptions for cutting possibility calculations NFI11

Calculation period

Calculations were made for five ten years periods (though each management schedule was continued to the final felling or at the maximum up to the 150 years). The results are reported only for the first 30 year period and the years beyond that era are for sustainability reasons.

Calibration of the tree basal-area growth models

In MELA2012 - program (MELA2012 Reference ... 2013) treewise basal-area growth models are calibrated using growth measurement data from 8th NFI. For calibration, growth measurements were adjusted with growth indices to the average level of diameter increment for years 1965 - 1994 (Henttonen 2000, Hynynen et al. 2002). For calculations presented here, tree basal-area growth models for forest land were calibrated using growth measurement data from 11th NFI. For calibration, growth measurements were adjusted with growth indices to the average level of diameter increment for years 1994 - 2013. (Korhonen et al. 2007). The calibration was done with sample trees from NFI measured in years 2009-2013. Sample trees in a sample plot were accepted to calibration data if the sample plot was at forest land, the whole sample plot was in a single stand and no cuttings were recorded for the 10 year period before the measurement year.

Average basal area growth of sample trees Show table

cf. Nuutinen, T., Hirvelä, H., Salminen, O. & Härkönen, K. 2007. Alueelliset hakkuumahdollisuudet valtakunnan metsien 10. inventoinnin perusteella, maastotyöt 2004-2006. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2B/2007: 215-248.

Simulation of forest development

A finite number of alternative management schedules were automatically simulated for NFI plots with MELA2012 (MELA2012 Reference ...2013). Simulations were based on tree level natural process models for ingrowth, growth and mortality (e.g. Hynynen et al., 2002) and feasible (sound and acceptable) stand level management actions. Possible management actions were thinnings based either on number of trees or on basal area, final fellings (clear cutting, seed tree cutting and shelterwood cutting), preparation of regeneration areas, natural and artificial regeneration, and tending of young stands. Energy wood (forest chips) were harvested as logging residues (branches and tops, or branches, tops and stumps) from final fellings or as whole trees or trunks from thinnings integrated with roundwood logging or as separate energy wood logging). Management actions were simulated when the criterias of current Finnish silvicultural guidelines (Äijälä et al. 2014), the guidelines for peat lands (Ruotsalainen, 2007) or the guidelines for energy wood logging (Äijälä et al., 2010) were satisfied. Regeneration was simulated when growing stock achieved either the minimum diameter or minimum regeneration age based on 2-4 % revenue requirement. For each management activity there was also always a no-treatment alternative. Management actions were simulated only on the forest land allowable for wood production. No management actions were allowed on protected forests and no cuttings were made on poorly productive forest land even if the wood production was allowed. Prescribed burning, drainage of new areas, fertilization or pruning were not included in the management alternatives.


Stumpage and roadside prices

Stumpage prices are based on the average realized stumpage prices 2004-2013 (€/m3) by timber assortments (Metinfo, accessed 1.2.2015) deflated to the year 2013. Roadside prices were induced by adding average realized harvesting costs on stumpage prices.

Applied stumpage and road-side prices, €/m3. Birch pulpwood prices are used for saw logs and pulpwood of other broadleaved species. Show table

Price of forest chip at the mill yard

The used prices (€/m3) for forest chips at the mill yard are weighted means deflated to 2013 based on 2008 - 2013 realized average prices, €/Mwh (Statistics: Energy prices, accessed 1.2.2015). The Mwh prices are transformed to cubic meters by multiplying them with 2. Show table

Unit prices for roundwood logging

The applied unit prices (€/h) of roundwood logging. Prices include wages, social costs, compensations for tools, profits of entrepreneurship. Show table

Unit prices for energy wood procurement

The applied unit prices (€/h) for energy wood procurement. Prices include wages, social costs and compensations for tools. No subsidies for energy wood logging and chipping in young stand improvement thinnings were taken into account. Show table

Unit prices of silvicultural work

Unit prices for silvicultural tasks are calculated as the averages of realized prices 2004-2013 by tasks (Metinfo, accessed 1.2.2015) deflated to the year 2013.

Applied unit prices of silvicultural work Show table